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education departmental exam objective type questions

01.Sending an E-mail is similar to–
(A) writing a letter (B) drawing a picture (C) talking on the phone
(D) sending a package (E) None of these (Ans : A)

02.The value of the property shown in the account books after allowing necessary depreciation is called as
(1) Scrap value (2) Salvage value (3) Book value (4) Market value

03.A revised estimate is prepared if sanctioned estimate exceeds
(1) 3% (2) 5% (3) 8%  (4) 10%

04.The following is not a Constitutional authority in India :
(1) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(2) National Commission for Scheduled Castes
(3) Union Public Service Commission
(4) Planning Commission

05.The least corrupt nation in the world
(1) Finland (2) New Zealand (3) Singapore (4) Denmark

06.Which of the right below is not a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution ?
1.    Right to Equality  2. Right to Freedom of Speech 3. Right to change Religion 4. Right to Work

07.Which one of the following writs is issued by the High Court to a lower court or a quasi-judicial body to stop proceedings in a particular case where it has no jurisdiction ?
(1) Habeas Corpus   (2) Prohibition  (3) Quo Warranto  (4) Certiorari

08. Which one of the following tribes resides in Tamil Nadu ?
(1) Gonds  (2) Bhils  (3) Todas  (4) Santhals

09. The Current Account on the Balance of Payments in India is functionally classified into which two categories ?
(1) Merchandise and Invisibles   (2) Loans and Amortisation
(3) Foreign Investments and Foreign Currency Deposits  (4) None of the above

 Other Departmental exam books & Previous questions


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bl§F k‰W«-g‹¿¡ fhŒ¢rš ngh‹w bjh‰W nehŒ jL¥ò elto¡iffŸ

  1. m›t¥nghJ iffis¢ R¤j¥gL¤Â¡ bfhŸSjš. F¿¥ghf czÎ c©gj‰F K‹ò«  Ëò« iffis¡ fGÎjš.
  2. tF¥giw k‰W« fêtiwfis¢ R‰¿¤ j©Ù® nj§»æUªjhš cldoahf mjid¤ jiyikahÁçaU¡F khzt®fŸ bjçé¡f nt©L«. jiyikahÁça® nj§»a Úiu mf‰Wtj‰F  cça elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«. nkY«, FoÚ®ghid k‰W« j©Ù® bjh£ofŸ _o it¡f¥gl nt©L«. Ïj‹ _y« bfhR¡fë‹ bgU¡f¤ij jL¡f nt©L«.
  3. tF¥giwfis¢ R¤jkhfΫ xG§fhfΫ it¤ÂU¤jš.
  4. gŸë tshf« k‰W« ÅLfëš bfhR¡fŸ K£ilæl VJthf cŸs nj§fhŒ XLfŸ, giHa la®fŸ, óªbjh£ofŸ, j£LfŸ, j©Ù® bjh£ofŸ, giHa f©zho k‰W« Ãsh°o¡ gh£ošfŸ, tofhšfŸ, gŸë f£Lkhd¥gâfŸ eilbgW« Ïl§fëš cŸs bghU£fŸ ngh‹w j©Ù® nj§F« Ïl§fis bjhl®¢Áahf f©fhâ¤J j©Ù® nj§fh t©z« gh®¤J¡ bfhŸs khzt®fS¡F cça m¿Îiu tH§f nt©L«.
  5. khzt®fŸ fhŒ¢Á tof£oa FoÚiu mUªj nt©Lbkd m¿ÎW¤j nt©L«.
  6. ghJfh¥ghd czÎfis c£bfhŸs m¿Îiu tH§Fjš nt©L«.
  7. gŸë khzt®fël« fLikahf fhŒ¢rš, rë,  ÏUkš ngh‹w m¿F¿fŸ fhz¥g£lhš mjid MÁça®fŸ f©l¿ªJ m«khzt®fis mU»š cŸs Mu«g Rfhjhu ika¤Âš nr®¤J cldoahf Á»¢ir më¡f cça elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«. vªj NœãiyæY« Rakhf kU¤Jt« brŒJ bfhŸtij j鮤jš nt©L«.
  8. kU¤Jtç‹ cjéÍl‹  bl§F, Á¡f‹ Fåah g‰¿a m¿F¿fŸ fhŒªj éê¥òz®éid khzt®fëilna  V‰gL¤Jjš nt©L«.
9.       bjhl® kiHæ‹ fhuzkhf gŸëæ‹ R‰W¢Rt® äFªj <u¥gj¤Jl‹ fhz¥glyh«. vdnt, R‰W¢RtçèUªJ 20 mo bjhiyÎ tiu khzt®fŸ ahU« bršyhjthW jL¥òfŸ V‰gL¤JtJl‹ khzt®fŸ mj‹ mU»š bršyhjthW f©fhâ¤Âl  nt©L«.
10.    kiHæ‹ fhuzkhf gŸëæ‹ Áy tF¥giwfŸ gh¡f¥g£oU¥Ã‹ m¤jifa tF¥giwfis ga‹gL¤jhkš ghJfh¥ghf ó£oit¥gJl‹ mt‰¿‹ mUnf khzt®fŸ bršyhjthW f©fhâ¤Âl  nt©L«.
11.     ä‹ Ïiz¥òfŸ rçahf cŸsdth v‹W«, ä‹ fÁÎ, ä‹R‰W nfhshWfŸ VnjD« cŸsdth v‹gij MŒÎ brŒJ ghJfh¥ig cWÂgL¤ÂlΫ, njitbaåš ä‹ Ïiz¥ig j‰fhèfkhf J©o¤Jit¡fΫ m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ. Ϥjifa ne®Îfëš ä‹thça bgh¿ahsiu cldoahf bjhl®òbfh©L Ïjid rçbrŒÂl m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.
12.    gŸë tshf¤Â‹ mU»YŸs  Ú®nj¡f¥ gŸs§fŸ, Âwªjbtë »zWfŸ k‰W« gŸëæš cŸs  fêÎÚ® bjh£ofŸ Ú®nj¡f¤ bjh£ofŸ ÏU¡F« g£r¤Âš mt‰iw _l¥g£l ãiyæš cŸsdth v‹W cW brŒtJl‹ khz®t®fŸ mU»š bršyhjthW f©fhâ¡f nt©L«.
13.    khzt®fŸ éLKiw eh£fëš MHkhd  Vç, Fs« k‰W« MWfëš Fë¥gij j鮤Âl m¿ÎW¤j nt©L«. kiH¡fhy§fëš Vçfëš cil¥òfŸ V‰gl thŒ¥òŸsjhš, éLKiw  fhy§fëš btëna brštij j鮡fΫ, F¿¥ghf Ú®ãiyfS¡F mUnf nto¡if gh®¡f bršy¡TlhJ vd khzt®fS¡F m¿Îiu tH§FtJl‹, bg‰nwh®fS¡F« ÏJF¿¤J éê¥òz®Î V‰gL¤j jiyikahÁça®fŸ nfhu¥gL»wh®fŸ.
14.    khzt®fŸ kiH¡fhy§fëš gŸë¡F tU« nghJ« ÂU«Ã¢ bršY« nghJ« M‰¿š btŸs¥bgU¡bfL¤J XL« nghJ m›têæid j鮤Âl nt©L«.
15.    gŸëia é£L bršY« nghJ gGjilªj mšyJ mWªJ »l¡F« ä‹f«Ãfis khzt®fŸ bjhLtnjh mšyJ mUfhikæš brštnjh TlhJ v‹W m¿ÎW¤j nt©L«
16.    khzt®fŸ rhiyæš kiHÚ® fhšthŒfŸ ÏU¡F« Ïl§fëš ftdkhf brštJl‹  mjid j鮡fΫ m¿ÎW¤j nt©L«.
17.    gŸë tshf¤Âš éG« ãiyæš ku§fŸ VnjD« ÏU¥Ã‹ mjid cldoahf m¥òw¥gL¤j¥gl nt©L«.
18.    gŸë tshf¤Âš Mg¤jhd ãiyæš cŸs ca®ä‹mG¤jKŸs ä‹f«g§fŸ, k‰W« mWªJ bjh§f¡Toa ä‹f«ÃfŸ ÏU¥Ã‹ mitfis cldoahf mf‰w¥glnt©L«.
19.    Ré£RfŸ (switches) rçahf cŸsdth, kiHÚ® glhjt©z« cŸsdth  v‹gijÍ« jiyikahÁça®fŸ MŒÎ brŒant©L«.
20.   khzt®fis bfh©L ä‹rhjd§fis Ïa¡f¡TlhJ.
21.    gŸëæš cŸs mid¤J¡ f£ol§fë‹ nk‰TiufŸ cWÂahf cŸsdth v‹W m›t¥nghJ MŒÎ brŒJ cça elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«. nk‰Tiuæš Ú®  nj§fht©z« cldoahf nj§»ÍŸs Úiu btëna‰w elto¡if nk‰bfhŸsnt©L«.
22.   gŸë tshf¤Âš, f£ol guhkç¥ò gâfŸ k‰W« òÂa f£ol§fŸ f£L« gâfŸ eilbgW« Ïl§fS¡F khzh¡f®fŸ bršy jilé¡fΫ, gŸs§fis R‰¿ ghJfh¥ghd jL¥ò mik¡fΫ elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs¥glnt©L«.
23.   kiH¡ fhy§fëš j§fis kiHæš ÏUªJ fh¤J¡ bfhŸs khzt®fŸ ku§fë‹ Ñœ  xJ§FtJ TlhJ v‹W« mjdhš  khzt®fS¡F Ïo, ä‹dš ngh‹wt‰¿èUªJ Mg¤J neçl¡ TL« vd m¿ÎW¤j nt©L«.
24.  gUtfhy kh‰w§fshš khzh¡f®fS¡F V‰gl¡Toa nehŒfëèUªJ (F¿¥ghf bl§F, Á¡F‹Fåah ngh‹w fhŒ¢ršfëèUªJ) ghJfh¤J¡ bfhŸtj‰fhd m¿Îiufis V‰bfdnt m¿ÎW¤Âago  elto¡iffŸ nk‰bfhŸsnt©L«. nkY«, fhŒ¢rš ÏU¥Ã‹ fhyjhkj« Ïšyhkš  cldoahf mU»š cŸs muR kU¤Jtkid/ Mu«g Rjhuãiya§fS¡F br‹W  kU¤Jt Á»¢ir nk‰bfhŸs m¿ÎW¤jnt©L«.
25.   khzt®fŸ gŸë tshf¤Â‰FŸS« mt®fë‹ ghJfh¥Ãid cWÂ¥gL¤J« tifæš mid¤J elto¡iffS« gŸë¤ jiyik MÁçauhš nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
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