Tamilnadu statistics 2018 Educational Districts - 63 Schools Details Schools (Govt, Matric, Aided) - 47198 Nursery Schools - 3216 ...

Corporation Education Department

History of the Education Department

Education Department, Greater Chennai Corporation which was started with 40 primary schools in the year 1912


  • 100 % Literacy
  • 0 % Drop out
  • Quality Education for all
  • Skill Achievement
  • Encouraging Girls Education
  • Laboratories for all higher secondary, High and Middle schools
  • Library facility for all schools
  • Computer Education for all children
  • Activity Based teaching and learning in Primary level
  • Activity Learning method in upper Primary
  • Vocational courses in middle school
  • School total health programme
  • Development of Sports - Talents
  • Extra curricular activities in all schools such as Balar Sabha, etc.


All Corporation schools follow The Tamil Nadu State Board syllabus. Co - curricular activities such as Sports, Scouts & Guides, N.C.C., N.S.S., J.R.C., have been introduced with a view to produce all round personality development among students. School total health programme, an innovative, initiative aimed at life coping skills, way to live healthy life, interact with community and self confident development has been improved as part of curriculum in all Corporation Schools.
Tamil and English are the medium of instruction up to higher secondary level in all schools, some schools also have Telugu and Urdu as medium of instruction to cater to the needs of linguistic minorities.

Fees Structure

Special Fees
Sl. No Type of Schools Standard Amount in Rs. for SC/ST Amount in Rs. for Others
1 Primary I to V NIL NIL
2 Middle I to VIII NIL NIL
3. High & Higher VI to VIII NIL NIL
    IX & X NIL NIL
    XI & XII (Sci. Gr) NIL NIL
    XI & XII (Comp. Gr) 200 200*
    XI & XII (Arts Gr) NIL NIL
    XI & XII (Voc Gr) NIL NIL
Tuition Fees ( For English Medium Only)
    VI to VIII Nil 200.00*
    IX & X Nil 250.00*
    XI & XII Nil 500.00*
* This amount remitted into Government Treasury


Annual Common examinations are conducted in the district level for VI to IX and XI Standard. The annual exam results for 6th to 9th Std. are being approved by the respective D.E.O's while 11 Std. results are being approved by the C.E.O. 10th and 12th Std. Public examinations are being conducted by the Directorate of Govt. Examinations, Government of Tamilnadu, Chennai - 600 006.

Teaching through Computers

Computer education and education through computers is being imparted among all the high and higher secondary schools and in many middle schools. Computer Training was imparted to 1945 Secondary Grade Teachers of Primary and Middle Schools. 884 Computers and 76 Printers were provided to Chennai Schools by Greater Chennai Corporation.
   174 Laptop computers have been provided to 4 Chennai Hr.Sec.Schools by Special Programme Implementation Department.

ECRAT - Community Colleges - Students Vocational Training

Under the guidelines of the Education Department, Educational Council Research and Training Centre ( ECRAT ) was established. Under its guidelines and supervision 4 community colleges were established at Sundaram Pillai St., at Bimmanna Garden, at N.P. Koil St., and at V.R.Pillai St. these 4 centres have been established to help those who could not afford for higher education in the fields of Nursing, Mechanism, Computers, Bakery Industries, Office Management etc., without any donations or without any tuition fee or Special fee. In Keeping with the changing employment trends in industry the Greater Chennai Corporation had introduced three new short time training courses for a period of 3 months - BPO, Hospitality Services and Custormer Relations and Sales in the community college function at Triplicane. The main objective behind the introduction of these courses is to give Vocational Training in areas which have wide demand in the present day competitive Job Market. The Training program started for the first batch of 105 students admitted in the first week of August 2007. 90 of them who have completed the 3 months training have now been placed in the reputed concerns such as MCDONALDS, IMPETUS (Reliance), ARVIND BRANDS (Retail), SMOKING JOES, SPENER'S DAILY, VODAFONE, DISH TV, COFFEE DAY and STAR CITY HOTEL etc,

Greater Chennai Corporation Industrial Training Institute (ITI)

   Greater Chennai Corporation started Industrial Training Institute with NCVT affiliation DGET-6/22/2006-TC.
   Courses running under National Council for Vocational Training Programme.
1 Computer Operator and Programming Asst. One Year 40 2007
2 Plumber One Year 42 2008
3 Fitter Two Year 42 2009
4 Electrician Two Year 42 2009
5 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Two Year 42 2009
6 Electronic Mechanic Two Year 42 2011

Welfare Schemes(From Government of Tamil Nadu)

  • Laptops to students of XI and XII.
  • Free Text books for all the students of I to XII Standard.
  • Free Uniforms and Note books are given to the pupils under the mid-day meals scheme in all Corporation Schools.
  • Special Fee exemption are being rendered to the students who belong to SC, ST, MBC and BC in 9th and 10th Std.
  • Scholarships are being given to SC, ST, MBC and BC Students studying in 11th and 12th Std.
  • Scholarships for the wards of The Conservancy Workers.
  • Bi-Cycles are given to the Girls students belong to SC, ST, MBC and BC in 11th and 12th Standard.
  • Free Bus Passes are given to students every year from their residents to the School.

Welfare Schemes(FROM Greater Chennai Corporation)

  • Corporatin of Chennai Awarded financial assistance to the XII Std Students of Corporation Schools. Those who have passed in the Public Examination held in March-2007, for their higher studies as given below
  • i) Rs.25000/- per year for Professional Courses like MBBS.,/BE
  • ii)Rs.5000/= for the courses of Teacher Training and Nursing
  • iii)Rs.3000/= for the other degree courses
  • The above financial assistance will be given for the entire course of higher studies of the student.

Greater Chennai Corporation Awards to Teachers

Greater Chennai Corporation awards special prizes to all the teachers who produce 100% pass result in 10th and 12th Std. Public Examination.

Greater Chennai Corporation Awards to Students

  • This year Greater Chennai Corporation going to give cash award of Rs. 1000/- each for the students who have attended the school without any leave (100% attendance). This awards will be given during the Independance day celebrations.
  • The Students who secured centum in each subject in 10th Std. and 12th Std. Public Examinations are given Cash award of Rs. 1000 .
  • State rank holders and First three rank holders among the Corporation Schools in 10th Std. and 12th Std. examinations are given Cash award of Rs.3000/-, Rs.2500/- and Rs.2000/- respectively.
  • The Student who secured first rank in schools in X and XII Std Public Examination are given cash award of Rs.1000/-.
Parent - Teacher Association
To improve the standard of Education, Greater Chennai Corporation is trying its level best. Now the Greater Chennai Corporation with an objective of Providing Primary education to one and all as well as improving the class room process through the Activity Based Learning Methodology. Children are the country's greatest assets and investment in children is an investment in the country's future. UNICEF has provided the financial assistance in this endeavor to train the teachers and make this methodology a success in Corporation schools.
To achieve all the above, 'Activity Based Learning and Teaching' methodology is adopted in all Primary and Middle Schools of Greater Chennai Corporation.
"Activity Based" teaching method, involves learning through listening, thinking, understanding, planning, communicating, interacting, cooperating, playing, all in joyful manner. It develops effective relationship between the teacher and student. It is a comprehensive action oriented Programme. It aims at bringing out the hidden skills and to improve knowledge and all round development of children.

Activity Based Learning & Teaching For Standard I&II

Learning through ladder is a new approach in the teaching language and other subjects. From time immemorial several attempts have been made to simplify the process of teaching. An earnest attempt has been made to teach all subject to the pupils of the schools of Greater Chennai Corporation through well-designed and developed cards and through a ladder by the Department of Education of the Greater Chennai Corporation with the assistance of UNICEF . Further the ladders prepared are strictly in accordance with the syllabi published by the Government of TamilNadu recently for standard I & II.
Montessori method of Teaching will be implemented in these Kinder garden Schools and Rs.30 lakhs is alloted towards Montessori training to the teachers and to purchase Montessori materials. There are 30 Kinder garden Schools (3 Schools per Zone) functioning in Greater Chennai Corporation.
First Step :
     Activity Based cards prepared by the group consisting of State Resource person, Corporation Supervisor, Teachers, Diet and DTERT Faculties, for Tamil, Maths, English & E.V.S. in Std I & II.

Second Step :
     One School selected from each Zone as a Model School in Corporation 10 Zones and already trained teachers in 3 schools also included as Model School in 2003 and the teachers working in 13 Model Schools have been trained in the Activity Based Methodology with the prepared Cards. 10 teachers from each Zone trained as a Resource Person and then all the 100 Resource Person trained the all other Primary level teachers those who are handling I to V Stds.
2003 - 2004 school Year this Methodology used in all Corporation schools with Xerox copy materials for I & II Stds. Support from the community and by the parents made this programme successful. The programme reach the community through the teachers and children and getting full support.
Nearly 1 lakhs children are in Primary and Middle schools. In that 30 thousand students are in I & II Stds. Now all the Activity Based Teaching Methodology Cards are Printed Colourfull and ready for distribution with the support of UNICEF & Greater Chennai Corporation.
Now preparation of Cards for Activity Based Teaching Methodology for III And IV Stds. is also in process.
Expecting all your valuable suggestions and cooperation for the success of this programme. Card details are available in all Corporation Primary & Middle schools.

Teaching through Computers

Greater Chennai Corporation it self has provided more than 500 computers to various schools. Smart Class facility is provided in 70 High and Higher Secondary Schools.
Teach India a Chartable Trust provided 500 second hand Computers to Greater Chennai Corporation Schools and is currently engaged in providing Computer Education for 6th Std. To 8th Std. Students in 40 schools.

Activity Based Learning (ABL)

Activity - Based Learning (ABL) Modules (Joyful Learning)

Activity Based Learning and Teaching

The objective of the Chennai corporation is to improve the enrollment rate, reduce the drop out rate by increased retention of the children in the schools, thereby leading to higher achievement levels and to fulfill the objective, the education department of the Chennai corporation has determined to bring about a qualitative change in the learning and teaching methodology of alphabets, words, numbers and fundamentals in various subjects. Educating children with great qualities and good knowledge is a challenge especially in the context of "Education for All". Children are country's greatest asset. Universal education is the primary aim of the Government. Education department of Greater Chennai Corporation is not lagging behind in implementing the policy of the Government.
This system of learning not only simplifies the process of teaching &learning but also makes it more logical and natural. Exposure to an environment is an imperative aspect on the part of the learners to acquire the right type of pronunciation of vocabulary. Adequate provision is made on the ladder to create an atmosphere in the classroom. Learning involves listening, speaking ,reading, and writing. This is something like supporting a huge structure on four pillars. Absence of a single pillar will cause much damage to the structure itself. Likewise negligence of any one of the four processes of learning will result in irreparable damage to the learning process. So utmost care is taken to strengthen the process of learning.
Separate logos are assigned for each learning activity. Names of ANIMALS for Tamil, names of BIRDS for Maths, names of VEHICLES for English, names of INSECTS for E.V.S. Same logos are given for the same kind of activities. These logos are distributed in the milestones. Each milestone has various steps. The initial milestone in each standard is termed as zero milestone. These zero milestones are for making the children ready to receive the learning. A minimum of 10 days can be spent to complete each milestone in each standard. The zero milestone in the Std II is to revise what they have learned in their I standard. The following activities are included in the learning process.
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
To attain perfection in the above said process of learning, a lot of activities are suggested. These activities are very carefully designed to suit to the age and grasping power of the children. They are arranged in the ladder in a natural sequence. As the activities are given in cards both the teachers and the pupils can use them quite easily and effectively. Quite a large number of self learning activities are given for the children to learn themselves. Children will have self satisfaction and a sense of achievement, feeling of happiness after completing each card. There is provision for the fast learners to go fast at their own speed. The slow learners without any hindrance can proceed at their own pace. As the learning process goes through the ladder the children know well what they have learned and what they have to learn later. No teacher can skip any step as he/ she is forced to go by the steps, stated in the ladder. There is provision for those children who for some reason or other could not attend school for some days .They can proceed with their learning from where they left on the day they last attended school. Evaluation is a continuous process. To test the level of achievement of the children test cards are provided. Pictures are drawn in the test cards to invigorate the children and to make them feel and believe that evaluation is not a burden but a lively and interesting activity. Further it is done then and there. There are examinations three times a year. These logos are classified as general and specific. General logos are common for all subjects such as Tamil, Maths, English and EVS. Specific logos are meant only for that subject.
The ABL approach is unique and effective to attract out-of -school children to schools/AIE centres. The teachers who are involved in implementing this method have developed activities for each learning unit which facilitated readiness for learning, instruction, reinforcement and evaluation. ABL has transformed the classrooms into hubs of activities and meaningful learning.

ABL – An innovative approach

    The ABL concept has been taken from the Rishi Valley practices. This has been introduced in the Corporation Schools of Chennai with slight modifications. Seeing the success of the scheme this has been introduced in the Panchayat Union Schools.
    Initially, a core team was asked to investigate the current practices of classroom process and find out the reasons for the low achievement of children. As the team members had rich exposure in the field of primary education they had strong faith on children, parents, teachers and the government that they would not be responsible for low achievement of children. Then, after close study in some of the schools in the corporation area, the team identified the following as the malady of conventional process.
  • Teacher dominates the classroom always.
  • Rare use of teaching learning materials.
  • Most of the time the lecture method was followed.
  • Importance was given to rote learning.
  • Teachers are under the assumption that they know everything and children do not know anything.
  • Teacher assumes uniform learning pace and uniform level of achievement among children.
  • The gap between teacher and children are more.
  • Focus is given on teaching rather than learning.
  • No scope to cover the loss of learning during the period of absence of children.
  • Multigrade and multi level is not addressed.
  • Traditional way of evaluation.
  • Absence of joyous based extra activities.
  • Absence of play way and learning by doing activities.
  • Less chance for mutual and self learning.
  • Coverage of syllabus by the teacher and not by the children.
  • Classroom with less facilities for learning activities.
  • Instructional materials neither intensive nor attractive.
  • Lack of learning freedom - more of time restricted environment.
To overcome the above malady in teaching learning process a suitable strategy called Activity Based Learning (ABL) was evolved to be implemented in the Greater Chennai Corporation Schools.

The Process of ABL approach

  • Competencies are split into different parts/units and converted into different activities.
  • Each part/unit is called a milestone.
  • In each subject, the relevant milestones are clustered and linked as chain and this chain of milestones is called LADDER.
  • Each milestone has different steps of learning process and each step of learning process is represented by logo.
  • Milestones are arranged in a logical sequence from simple to complex and also activities in each milestone.
  • To enable the children to organize in groups group cards are used.
  • Evaluation is inbuilt in the system. Separate cards / activities are used for this purpose.
  • Each child is provided with workbook/worksheet for further reinforcement activities.
  • Children's progress are recorded through annual assessment chart.
  • Each milestone has different type of activities such as introduction, reinforcement, practice, evaluation, remedial and enrichment activites represented by different logos.

Benefits of ABL approach

  • Children learn on their our pace.
  • Provision of more time for self-directed learning and teacher directed learning is reduced considerably.
  • Group learning, mutual learning and self learning are promoted.
  • Teachers teaching time is judiciously distributed among children. Only needy children are addressed by teachers.
  • Children's participation in every step is ensured in the process of learning.
  • Evaluation is inbuilt in the system it is done without the child knowing it.
  • Rote learning is discouraged and almost no scope for rote learning.
  • Periodical absence of child from school is properly addressed.
  • Classroom transaction is based on child's needs and interests.
  • Freedom to child in learning as he chooses his activity.
  • Multigrade and multilevel in learning is effectively addressed.
  • No child can move to the next higher step of learning unless attains the previous one.
  • Sense of achievement boosts child's confidence and morale.
  • Attractive cards and activity create interest among children.
  • Scope for child's development in creative and communicative skills.
  • Children will have a feel of security as they sit in rounds in the groups.
  • Children are allowed to move in the classroom as they choose their activity.
  • Moreover the distance between the teacher and the child is largely reduced and the teacher acts as a facilitator rather than teacher.
    The ABL concept is used in selected regular schools in the State apart from 6,000 AIE centres. The ABL cards which can match the pace of learning have been placed permanently in Block Resource Centres. This ground–breaking approach have been tried out experimentally in a few schools (10 schools per block). After field-testing of the ABL modules and Self Learning Material kits are to be used in other schools. The Directorate of Teacher Education, Research and Training and Directorate of Elementary Education have been involved in implementing this programme including imparting training for the same. Yet another silent revolution in Innovative Education.

        I Hear; I forget,
        I see; I remember,
        I do; I understand.

Health and Hygiene

As part of innovative schools total health programme free medical inspection is being conducted periodically by the Health Department, Greater Chennai Corporation, for Corporation School Students and medicines are also being distributed in all the schools.


Scholarship amount of Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 2,000 are being given by the Greater Chennai Corporation to the first rank holders in 12th public examination (among Corporation Schools) for pursuing professional courses and degree courses respectively.

Parent - Teacher

Association PTA is functioning effectively in all the Schools. PTA meeting have been helpful in promoting quality education in Corporation Schools. PTA have been directly supporting many extra curricular activities in Corporation Schools.
Greater Chennai Corporation contributes a matching Grant to the PTA account of each Corporation school equivalent to the amount collected by the school every year. 150 teachers appointed through PTA during this academic year.


   Many Trainings and workshops have been conducted every year for Teachers and Students. English Language Training, English Handwriting Training, to develop the skill of drawing, drawing Training, To improve the value VSET Training, Maths Training, to know about shares and market – Training about Shares are the Training going on.
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